Friday Jul 26, 2024
The Lineup: Reach Today's Kids to Create Tomorrow's Police Officers
OFFICER Magazine News Editor Joe Vince and co-host retired Lt. Frank Borelli as they talk about some of the week's top police and law enforcement news, including:
- Florida police ending an intense standoff with an escaped inmate holding two people at knifepoint
- New Orleans police fending off an attacker with a chainsaw who severed a 70-year-old woman's arm
- a close call for a Florida deputy when a gunman charged at him with his drawn weapon
- an acrobatic armed robbery suspect who tried to escape Florida deputies by jumping from balcony to balcony down the side of a six-story hotel
- a Massachusetts police department's junior cadet summer program reaches out to today's kids with the hopes of planting the seeds for future officers
- a camp started by a Massachusetts sheriff's office that helps the children of inmates
- Florida deputies busting an intoxicated man prohibited from drinking as part of his DUI probation after he called 9-1-1 for a lift home.
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